About Darn Time™ is the near-effortless schedule management system for business owners who need fast simple strategies for prioritizing their day & to-do’s.
It might be hard for you to figure out exactly what is causing that harried feeling of “I am so behind!” and yet burn out is making you want to go back to bed or to the beach...
People have no idea how to estimate the time they have available to them. Ever find yourself saying, “Oh I will do that tomorrow, I have all day….” only to realize that after your workout, carpool, the dog ripping up the couch, and a last minute trip to the doctor, you had exactly 2.75 hours in the day. Not 10.
Even if you are a master at accurate time estimation, things may fall apart when it comes to figuring out how long each of your to-do items actually takes. When you find yourself stacking 6 tasks in a one hour time block, there might be an issue.